Hello everyone and welcome to this little summer update. Yes, I promised to upload regularly, but you know me .. I´m workaholic who always tries to manage several things at the same time. As you may noticed, I´ve been taking the Italian lessons and writing one essay a week, I´ve been reading some Spanish literature and moreover I started to study philosophy in advance. No, I´m not crazy!
However, I also took a little break and went for a holiday with my parents. We travelled across the South Bohemia and the Czech Paradise.
So first of all .. if you´re wondering why do I study in the summer .. it has one simple but important reason. I can work on myself, get better in what I really like. I discover new possibilities in language learning and visit some events related to my branches of study. Some days ago I finally decided to book my first online Spanish conversation with a native speaker from San Sebastian. The lesson is next Monday!
Why is summer studying convenient? Because you´ll get used to the school system more easily and you still have to focus on something.
BOOK RECOMMENDATION FOR THIS SUMMER: For those of you who know me really well, I don´t have to repeat, that I absolutely love Connor Franta. As the gift for the completion of the first year at the university, I got his first book A Work in Progress. I´d already read his second book – Note to Self and if you want to know what is this book exactly about, you can find one article related to it on my website. In A Work in Progress Connor goes back to his childhood and writes “about his journey from a small – town boy to an Internet sensation”.

I also started to be more interested in what I eat and I finally decided to learn how to cook! I start with easy dishes based on pasta, vegetable and fish. On the other hand, I try to reduce the consumption of white flour and sweets. Would you like me to share some easy recipes with you?
If the things go well, in February I´m going to study abroad. Would you like me to create an Erasmus diary?
Thank you very much for reading! And enjoy the summer wherever you are! L.